Building Cover


    Contact Number

    What year was it constructed?

    How would you describe the premises?

    Main or Suburban StreetWholly within a shopping centre (no external openings to outside the centre)Within a shopping centre (with external openings)Within an industrial complexWithin an office block (including on the ground or 1st floor)Within an office block (2nd floor and above)Outside metro, regional or town boundariesOther

    What are the floors constructed from?

    ConcreteIron/SteelBrickWoodOther / Mixed (Not Combustible)Other Mixed (Full/Partial Combustible)Tile

    What is the roof constructed from?

    Concrete / StoneIron / Steel / Aluminium on steelIron / Steel / Aluminium on woodMasonryExpanded Polystyrene (EPS)WoodTile / SlateAsbestosOther

    What are the walls constructed from?

    Concrete / StoneConcrete Tilt SlabIron / Steel / Aluminium on steelIron / Steel / Aluminium on woodBrickExpanded Polystyrene (EPS)WoodMixed greater than 75% brick / concrete / iron on steelMixed less than 75% brick / concrete / iron on steelOther

    What percentage of the walls is using sandwich panels or exposed polystyrene (EPS)?

    0%1%-14%15%-19%20%-29%Greater than 30

    What fire protection is in the building? (Select multiple items if applicable)

    Fire ExtinguishersHose ReelsSprinklersSmoke Detectors - MonitoredSmoke Detectors - Non-MonitoredHeat DetectorsFire AlarmMonitored Base AlarmFire BlanketsNone

    What security does the property have? (Select multiple items if applicable)

    Bars on windowsDeadlocks on doors & locks on all external windows without barsElectronic keypad/ swipe card accessSecurity fencingCCTV system installedBollards in front of glazing/display windows or roller shuttersExternal lightingLocal AlarmRoller shuttersWatchman or security guard patrolsMonitored alarm

    General Building Information

    Is building connected to town water?


    Does the business store any flammable goods or waste material?


    Is the building heritage listed?


    Is the property going to be unoccupied for more than 30 consecutive days over the policy period?


    Is the property more than 50% vacant?


    Does the insured do any cooking or restaurant activities?


    Claims History

    Any claims in the last 3 years under the sections to be insured?

    Is there anything else that might be relevant you want to share?
