General liability cover for events such as festivals, music events, fairs, theatre productions, exhibitions, conferences etc
Information needed to quote
Full Name
ABN (If registered)
Phone Number
Email Address
Event Date
Start Time & Finish Time
Event Address
Please describe business activities to be insured in as much detail as possible:
Please indicate which best describes your business activities:
Entertainer / Performers / Musician / Band etcTheatre / Performance GroupDrama / Dance SchoolCircus / Aerial TuitionEvent Manager / Coordinator / Wedding &/or Party PlannerEvent Promoter / Event Owner / Event PrincipalMarket OrganiserIndividual Stallholder / Exhibitor at third party eventCommunity Group / Not-for-Profit OrganisationBooking AgencyPublic Address, Sound, Lighting, Audio Visual, Staging or Rigging activitiesFilm & Video ProductionPhotographerOther
Address(es) of where you will be predominantly carrying out your business activities
Estimated Gross Turnover for the next 12 months
If cover is only required for a short-term period or one-off event, please provide estimated turnover or budget for the short-term period or one-off event:
Estimated Wages paid for next 12 months:
Number of employees:
Do you engage subcontractors or contractors?
what activities will your contractors/subcontractors carry out?
Estimated payments to contractors/subcontractors:
Do you insist all contractors/subcontractors have their own liability insurance?
Do you engage voluntary/unpaid workers?
what activities will your volunteers carry out?
Do you require cover for any activities outside of Australia?
Number of years your business has been in operation or your experience in this field:
Will you be signing any contracts that contain hold harmless or indemnity agreements?
Will you require cover for liability claims arising from loss or damage to other people’s property whilst in your care, custody, or control?
Yes – Automatic $250,000 includedNo
Sum Insured Required:
Public Liability
Additional Information
Has any insurer ever declined to insure you or declined to renew any of your insurances or imposed special terms and conditions?
In the last 10 years, have you ever had any criminal convictions or been bankrupt?
In the last 10 years, have you suffered any public liability claims or caused incidents that could give rise to a public liability claim?
Have you previously been insured for liability?
If you answered yes to any of the above, please provide details: